Switched out slide show because it was annoying me. Just one of my resolutions to change things that dont sit well with me.
These photos represent to me the "Badge of Courage" I give to my daughter. Not because she leaps off of walls with a 1300 lb animal but because she has come through a time in her life where she put disappointment aside and did what needed to be done. For 9 months her dreams have dangled in front of her. She was patient and diligent and it payed off. Now 9 months later she has a strong horse, an excellent trainer and a better understanding of what it takes to get where you want to go. I think she will be an incredible trainer and a successful eventer, but more then that she has the patience and perseverance that it takes to be successful in life. I am so proud of you.

You know YOU really could be a successful horse-events photographer. Especially that last one, parents would pay big bucks for shots like that.
That was a really nice thing to say. Thanks for the vote of support.
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