Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Let the summer begin!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

News from the Hill:
Nermal and Abby are 2 weeks old. Their eyes are open and they are starting to motor around.

Ashley and Jiggy are having a good time together. She likes him because he powers forward. (She calls him powerhouse.) He likes her because she doesn't hold him back.

The bears have crossed the bridge to the webelo side! It's been a fun year in scouting. Check out the Den 5 blog to see some things they have done.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Yes the boys are still here on the hill. Adam and Austin are actually spending a lot of time studying for their tests. Adam seems to be enjoying his personal training course but it involves a lot of anatomy and physiology memorization. Lets just say I am learning the names of muscles I am pretty sure I dont have. Austin is having his last push toward finals and then he plans to sleep and eat for a week. So you see not too picturesque but they are still around.
Barn news:
Just 9 days old and already they complain about having their pictures taken! (just like all these mancuso kids) Ashley and Jiggy go preliminary level! XC schooling went so well at novice that they jumped to training level and then prelim. Amazing how calm I was but you know they just look so solid that I wasnt worried.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Barn scenes from yesterday morning:

Jack and Andrew become kitty sitters while I freshen up the kitty crib. They had fun coming up with names like Dr. Doolittle and Feedo. So far Ash has vetoed their choices. We will keep you posted.