Monday, January 30, 2006

Tournament Champions!
Lake Mary wins against the Seminoles in the final game. Austin was named all-tournament player.

Cub Scout Campout:
Disneys Fort Wilderness is a plush campground that sits across the lake from the Magic Kingdom. These are photos from our 'not so remote but really fun' campout.

The deranged looking man in the pool is our cubmaster Pete. Let's just say that once he stirred these boys up, everyone in Disney knew we were there.
Honestly we did not see this sign until we were leaving the area. We just thought it was very cool that Disney would have such an awesome treacherous trail.
You are supposed to say "I love bunnies" when the smoke burns your eyes. Don't look at me! A WeBeLo told me that.

Of course Leah and Ashley had to thoroughly comb through things at the Trading Post. Oh and guess what, they don't trade things there. Tanner and Andy tried to trade their sweatshirts for some hats and the lady just stared at them.

Freshman tournament news:
LMHS won their games against Oviedo and Lake Brantley. They will play Seminole HS this evening at 7:30. The team is currently at the movies watching some inspirational b-ball movie and gorging themselves at Subway. I am sure this is how the pros get psyched for their games. Updates later...

Thursday, January 26, 2006

This is a photo taken during the warm-up before Lake Mary's game with Seminole High. The season is coming to a close with one game left on fri. and a freshman tournament on the weekend. We were very happy with the way Austin was coached and the program was handled. Hats off to Lake Mary HS for that. As a matter of fact we started the year toying with possible prep school options for Austin and ended up being more then happy with his first semester at LMHS.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Homeschool perks

Running out in the rain because you feel like it.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Its always something...

Saturday, January 21, 2006

These two caught the clown bug at the circus. Greatest Show on Earth? You bet!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Uncle Jack gives the kids some guitar tips.
Boys at the beach..

Monday, January 16, 2006

Sea Horses!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I know that I have to look twice at these two with their new looks. I thought I would help everyone else out with an updated photo.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

First show of the season went well for Ashley. Her Dressage score was a personal best and her stadium was very well ridden. Cross country was a little tricky but had some brilliant moments. This pair is really coming along. This photo is a favorite of mine from a clinic last season. My camera battery went dead. (I actually think it was frozen.) Ashley, Leah and I were up before dawn and headed to the show. When we arrived there the grass was white with frost. Not too special for some but a little strange for us. It crunched when we walked.
Good job Ashley!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Taking things apart...

Andy gets to dissect a flower while poor Ashley is at school dissecting frogs.
We all know how she feels about frogs. Lets try to be nice to her this afternoon.

Image hosted by ribbit

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Things you can do when the waves are small.

Sand fights (of course this is Ashley's choice)

Bamboo tug-of-war. (point of the game...unknown)

and for Adam

flipping off the dunes is fun.

Watching him is fun for everyone.

Who needs waves anyway?

Monday, January 02, 2006

This is exciting!
Austin was recommended for membership on a delegation of student athletes. They will travel to Holland as sports ambassadors to compete in the Youth Friendship Games. The program was set up by President Eisenhower to promote world peace. 7000 student athletes from around the world will be involved. We dont have many details as yet but will keep everyone updated.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Over the woods...

and through the river...

looks like show season has arrived!

Happy New Year!