Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Brothers: boat building.

Monday, February 26, 2007

The brother challenge:

This is me with brothers Kirk and Doug 1968. We were on the top bunk in a sleeping car. The train was bound for Disneyland.
Tennis anyone?

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Photos from Ashley's training session with Ralph Hill.

Next Event Feb 23-25.

Simply Irresistible

I would like you to meet Fez. He/she is the newest resident at Lucky Trail Stables. Favorite hobbies: climbing on Andrew while he reads, snuggling with Eowyn and exploring the haystack. Fave foods: grass and hay, not a big fan of sweets and treats. (He has two ears they just aren't always synchronized:)

Friday, February 09, 2007

Austin News:

Austin is now on the weightlifting team at LMHS. Workouts just started so check back for photos of meets.

Super Bowl Sunday
The JAST was there making noise and breaking stuff..
Thanks to Uncle John for the great Dairy Queen cake.

Couldn't resist...they are all on the couch at the same time!

Amy stressing her point.


Not sure what this conversation was about.
Ashley won the first pot!

And the second pot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She looked as happy as Tony Dungy.

Monday, February 05, 2007

This recent show was a test of fortitude. It started within hours of the devastating tornadoes in the area and slogged through delays due to lack of medical personnel, more delays due to lightning and then struggled on through torrential downpours. Cold, wet, and disappointed that her cross country was cancelled, she still did some of her finest riding.

Fortitude is definitely something this kid has.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Field Trip!
Austin is writing a report for his chemistry class about polycarbonate resin. This prompted a trip to Critical Disposables where our friends the Custers demonstrated how they use this product to produce surgical supplies. Very interesting!