Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Objet d'art:

Who is this guy? Any guesses?

OK folks, here we go...we are headed out west in search of adventure. Papa has a journey planned which will take us over the Sawtooth Mountains and into a small mountain town where wolves are known to bring down Elk outside your cabin door. YIKES! We will be in search of hot springs in the forest known as hot pots where you sit in the spring and there is snow all around you. I am not expecting internet but just in case check back and I will try to get a "pic of us in a hot pot." Say that five times fast:)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ok, so this is all part of my trying to find out who I am going to be when I grow up. I took advantage of the great opportunity to photograph Austin's good friend Zack in his baseball game. I was wowwed (is that a word?) by the lighting on the uniforms and the speed of the batter and pitcher. Zack plays center field and my lens wouldn't reach so I found a convenient loose board in the fence but still his back was to me. My only choice was to catch him in the dugout expressing his enthusiasm. Of course I had to convince the coach that I wasn't a spy from Winter Springs:)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Talented hands at work:

It's amazing to see these talented hands at work. I felt honored to be able to record these images. Both men very successful in their fields. Vince Sansone is the potter and David Cumbie the sculptor.

Anyone able to name the sculpture in the photo of the photo will win a trip with Amy Africa free of charge:)

A football fan would have a better chance probably.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

These pix were part of a project that I did for school. Afterwards the parents were so excited about them that I have decided to share and also extend this strange and especially fun project. Amazing how much you can tell about a person from their hands or feet. I may have to post some mystery hands or feet and have you guess their sport or occupation. Anyway Im having fun, so humor me:)

May Day May Day!!!

Uh, yep. that is my brother in the stern of the boat with the red spinnaker. They were blown down near the beginning of the race. They put into port because the cockpit filled with water and a few of the sailers were wet. In that temperature it means game over. There were 4 May Days in this race. Stay warm bro:)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Miss You!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Please meet the newest members of the 2000 ft. club. When I told them they could parasail I didn't know they would choose the "To The Moon" package complete with T-Shirts. Apparently there was also a dunking option which is why they look wet.

The dunking option:

I photographed these people at 800 ft. Our kids were ...well, at the moon. My lens doesn't reach that far:(

FIVE...WOW! You are such a big boy Will.