Thursday, October 04, 2007

National Honor Society

Last night Austin was inducted to the National Honor Society. We learned that membership is based on scholarship, service to community, school participation and leadership. As a member he is required to offer tutoring to fellow students and also work on community service projects (as well as maintain his GPA.) The message to these students was that they are 'service leaders' and have much to offer to those around them. It was an inspiring evening. What an impressive group of kids!
He invited his physics teacher, Mr. Skeates to accompany him as a mentor. Of course Mr. Skeates is from NY so that got the conversation going with Jim.
Austin's friend, Katie was also an inductee. Aren't they cute?


Unknown said...

I'm in National JUNIOR Honor Society. Welcome to the club Austin!

karen said...

You lead the way with your brilliance Leah! You are both inspiring to the rest of us.