Friday, June 08, 2007

Tagged by Planet Mancuso

1. Where is your cell phone? pocket
2. Relationship? uh huh
3. Your hair? sweaty from tennis
4. Work? always
5. Your sister? nope not mine
6. Your favorite thing? Hmm ..not a big "thing" person but my camera makes me happy and I like my horse trailer alot.
7. Your dream last night? About Rettos haunts me
8. Your favorite drink? water when I am thirsty
9. Your dream car? Don't care much about cars but I love my truck
10. The room you’re in? schoolroom/closet/bedroom
11. Your shoes? out by the front door
12. Your fear? my kids being hurt or sad
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? healthy
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? jim and kids
15. What you’re not good at? making plans ahead of time...I like spur of the moment stuff
16. Muffin? no thanks I just had one
17. One of your wish list items? 50 pair of new socks so I dont need to sort the ones in the laundry room
18. Where you grew up? Iowa and Wyoming
19. The last thing you did? play Andrew's DS and tried to catch a fish on animal crossing
20. What are you wearing? too tight shorts and a new shirt
21. What aren’t you wearing? shoes
22. Your pet? horses are eating hay, dogs are in the shade, cats are sleeping, except Nina who is still wet from her bath, turtles hmm? sunbathing and the bunny last I saw was in the play yard.
23. Your computer? sony but its really Andrew's for school
24. Your life? kind of resembles a sneaker in a dryer
25. Your mood? great at the moment but I havent seen what the boys are doing in the kitchen
26. Missing? my dad
27. What are you thinking about right now? scrapbooking
28. Your car? expedition with a thick coating of lovebugs
29. Your kitchen? full of teenage boys
30. Your summer? my favorite time to hang with the kids
31. Your favorite color? a bright sunny green like new sycamore leaves
32. When is the last time you laughed? this morning when Ashley was horrified that her tennis outfit matched Andrew's and Tanner's.
33. Last time you cried? When Ralph got hurt
34. School? I am not allowed to say that word right now
35. Love? I am blessed


Connie said...

Nice, Karen, very nice!

karen said...

oops I missed the 'one word' memo

thedollymama said...

yeah, that makes it harder! good answers, tho!

Ashley said...

excuse me karen..
you got tagged by
Ashley Eventer..
seeing as you saw
it on mine firsttttt :[

Ashley said...

By the way..

"kind of resembles
a sneaker in a dryer"

thats genius