What a fun day...Jack and Leah spent the night and we all went ice skating. Jess leaves tomorrow and we will really miss her. As for this evening... well they are all hanging out in the kitchen together. They cook and eat and look for more to cook and eat. I guess it's the Italian side. I think I will go see whats on the menu.
Great fun and the kids are building great memories!
BTW, the Italian side may have something to do with it, but I raised a few Scotch/Irish/English teenagers that reminded me of locust -- they could eat you out of house and home!!
Well, I hope you are not referring to THIS Scot/Irish/English former teenager!
My heavens, no! You couldn't hold a candle to your brothers in grocery consumption!
Hahaha...what is this about cooking and eating?? Sounds like Uncle Buddy's influences...
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