Cub Scout Campout:
Disneys Fort Wilderness is a plush campground that sits across the lake from the Magic Kingdom. These are photos from our 'not so remote but really fun' campout.

The deranged looking man in the pool is our cubmaster Pete. Let's just say that once he stirred these boys up, everyone in Disney knew we were there.

Honestly we did not see this sign until we were leaving the area. We just thought it was very cool that Disney would have such an awesome treacherous trail.

You are supposed to say "I love bunnies" when the smoke burns your eyes. Don't look at me! A WeBeLo told me that.

Of course Leah and Ashley had to thoroughly comb through things at the Trading Post. Oh and guess what, they don't trade things there. Tanner and Andy tried to trade their sweatshirts for some hats and the lady just stared at them.